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May 25, 2016


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Look little Missy - you have got to stop telling outrageous stories about me! Even if they are true……….you were telling my story, weren't you?????

I love this! i too have this struggle.Very interesting and funny.

I'm thinking the housework thing is a do over... Remember like, back in the day .... One couldnt hit the ball. We would all yell 'do over' I think house work is like this. A do over. Or better yet... Do it when ya want. I don't want so ... I'm going to the beach. OCD or ABC. Lol.

Absolutely LOVED the Virgo/Aquarius struggle blog... It certainly explains SO much in my own life and I shall never forget the image created by your amazing vocabulary, of the two of them peering into the washing machine filled with gnarled and twisted colours. You have tapped into an explanation of this phenomena of our lives with impeccable explanation!...
Enjoy your time away from your beloved Mexican home. All those colours await your return!

I loved that! You crack me up! It sounds like you are happy! Maybe we will see each other again in Mexico in the future!

I haven't had as good a laugh since the sad and early demise of Ms. Bombeck! Being born under the sign of Virgo, she is ALWAYS there, mucking up my life and making me do things I would really rather not do BUT IF I DON'T, the crazies would take over for sure!!! Thank you!

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