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April 02, 2016


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This post is so meaningful as all visitors to Mexico eventually must come across the Virgen de Guadalupe.

Little did I know there are all these other "mothers" all over Mexico.

As my mother was in dire straights one time in the hospital at an advanced age in Austin, Texas, at a hospital run by the Sisters of Seton I told my only sibling, Phyllis, I believed she was saved by the Virgen of Guadalupe who was a presence as wooden painted statue in the lobby of the hospital. My sister, as was I, were raised as Protestants in a small town in Michigan. She was appalled at my suggestion and thought I had succumbed to blasphemy! BTW, my Catholic friends and neighbors were disallowed in our town from purchasing property to build a Catholic Church so had to worship in the next town 10 miles away. Still is the case today.

By that time I was living in Texas and she still in our small hometown in Michigan (she passed away in February of this year--bless her). I came under the influence of my adopted family from Mexico through my partner Francisco.

Sooo...I am so happy to learn more about the Virgen de Guadalupe as it helps me understand how I allowed myself to come under her spell--perhaps it is not all about superstition as I have always assumed???

Ah, Mexico!

So happy, Candice, to see you writing again as we have missed you greatly!😍👍❤️

Thank you for this great mothers day gift. Sometime I would love to hear (read) your thoughts on the true beliefs of the Druids especially with regard to the Lady of the Lake AKA the Mother Goddess, worship of all of nature, oak trees in particular and the religious beliefs connected to solstice events. Also of the speculated Catholic denunciation of the religion to dispel the belief that the ultimate superior being was/is a woman (God forbid). All of this done to free the world from this horrific Pagan Cult and instead embrace the dogma of the Catholic religion. You always make me think, therefore I am.

Wow Candice,
Thank you for this research and wonderful story!!! It was so fascinating to me who is a true believer in the power of women and most importantly of the karma influence in our lives. What goes around comes around and so my philosophy has always been to be truthful, trustworthy and treat people the way I would like to be treated. I have taught this to my students and my own children! Happy Mother's Day my friend!!!

Love this issue! What great food for thought!

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