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October 25, 2015


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Oh how relieved we were- watched and waited and prayed as well..
How grateful we are, and thank you Candice for telling the story, (with photos!).
Our yearning to return has strengthened, and we look forward to seeing you both soon!
Love Ava

Thank you for sharing this incredible story. I thought about you throughout all the newscasts, weather channel updates etc. and sent out all the positive energy I Possess! I am so happy to receive this and know you are well! Diedre

Hi Candice. I was on the verge of panic all day Friday as I read the news updates, safe and sound in my home in Canada. I can only imagine how scary it must have been to be there. This post captured it well. So glad you and all our close by neighbours are safe.

What a story. One I'll NEVER forget. What a close call. The power of prayer.

Enjoyed reading the latest installment. Happy you guys are safe and sound.

True Detectives, Season 2 is available?!!??!!!

Good summary of the last few days. Patricia lifted her skiirts as quickly as she had spread them a couple of days before. The Globo is a lovely thought.

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