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July 15, 2015


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Oh my darlin, I love you, and I always will.

Forgot to say, the Tiger Jumpsuit is entirely mine by contract.

IT HASN'T CHANGED IN 20 YEARS! Not an oozing drop of it. I remember those rooms so VIVIDLY. Another memory from when I was there: Went for grins and giggles (and okay, cackles) but 70-year-old Southernly Gentlemanly Docent kept correcting my Gay Yankee Californian by way of New York City pronunciation of GraceLAND!, "No, no….it's Graaaaaaazluuund". I demurred like a Southern Belle. No laughing about The King. It's a shrine. RESPECT! Memphis is outstanding. Have fun!

Great tour Thanks, enjoy your time in St Louis.

I'll bet when you walked in, you wanted to immediately take notes and get right home and make some changes to your house in San Pancho! This man knew how to DECORATE!!! Good GAWD! Worse than I could have imagined . . . but I'll bet it was fun seeing The King's digs. He sure could sing . . . so we'll give him a pass on the peacocks!

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