I have absolutely no idea what happened to March.
It was here, I know, dumping with its arrival over two inches of unseasonable rain, making everyone flee the beach and run for cover and warm clothes. It's gone now, leaving behind a taste of the heat and humidity that are to come. But what about the middle?
Let's see. We had lots of guests in town including houseguests Steve and Krystal from St. Louis, who were a sheer delight. We had music at the gallery's San Pancho Sidewalk Series. Twice. The facebook page says so. And also I have pictorial evidence.
The first time, a whole bunch of friends came for a jam session. It was excellent.
The second time, our buddy Gabriel in the hat and his buddy Lalo came to play. Craig sat in and sang a song.
We took Steve and Krystal to the Puerto Vallarta malecón and to the La Peñita market.
We saw a double rainbow from the beach, and had a thrillingly successful trip in a small boat to look for whales.
This fabulous close-up is by Carol Woodring. That is the whale's eye!!
We celebrated Craig's St. Patrick's Day birthday with a great group of friends and waiters at La Ola Rica.
Right after that, we flocked to Circo de los Niños, San Pancho's fabulous children's circus.
Last Sunday, along with friends of all ages, we flew the painted and decorated kites from the previous Sunday's kite show. That's on the La Casita Mágica facebook page too, with lots more pictures.
We also printed a new poster
in time for Semana Santa (Holy Week), and Semana Pasqua (Easter Week), which together make up the biggest holiday in Mexico and which is in full swing as I write this.
So I guess that's what happened to March.
Stay tuned for the long-promised sequel to my previous post,
Doloréze and the Clown Class.
What a fun time!!!... and yes it went by too fast...the other night as I was falling asleep, I was thinking about all the wonderful times in San Pancho and I realized that I was smiling ear to ear.
Posted by: Sheri | April 03, 2015 at 06:38 PM
Love it, love it, love it!
Please save me one of those posters!
Dos Locos
Posted by: Dos Locos | April 02, 2015 at 07:45 AM