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August 27, 2010


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It's nice to see Tracy out and about again - and I'm sure she likes her outings with you more than she will admit - she's too cool for that! I hope someone bought her the chair - it was PERFECT!

BUT - did FHL buy some? I loved it!

Tracy, you are such a little Bundle of Bling with some hilarious priorities..... I just LOVE you and it was good to see you were included in this little road trip. Can't lock you in that bedroom for too long or you will snap! Keep on smiling with those pretty lips.

Well, good to have Tracy and her adventures back!Too much fun! Keep thinking how much Boop would love reading this! Love the mural in the restaurant..

Go Tracy! I hope FHL and Talbot and Adam were appreciative enough of your stimulating company during this excursion to buy you that fine fitting equipale chair for your bedroom.

So ... did FHL order a set of equipale? Any decor on it? The rose painted chair was so pretty, but I'll bet she had her own original design in mind.

Interesting Christ statue, I suppose those are holy rays coming from his head, but it looks more like some Indian ceremonial headpiece.

Hope FHL's casa work is still moving forward, even if at a slower pace. Tracy needs to make an on site visit to perk up the remaining workers and supervise the final touches.

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