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February 26, 2010


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Tracey keeps good company!

Tracey the Tlaquepaque valley girl is a hoot! Looking forward to more of her adventures in Mexico, but Terence and Alvin were remiss in not stopping at a Farmacia to get the poor girl a bottle of Visine!

So. TracyG's already lobbying to hit the nightclubs of Guadalajara this weekend. ¡Aye! Promise us at the very least you'll take her to the local Karaoke Night next time you're in town? She's so saucy. I anticipate we'll need a break.

(Your entry was even better than I imagined!)

Nothing more alluring than Tracey at sunset!! Bring on more!

I ADORE Tracy and her life philosophy! I've got my eyes wide open, lipstick in one hand, now where did I put those dancing shoes...?

Tracey tracey tracey......... you are, without the slightest doubt, the most attractive little harlip in all of Mexico.
I feel sick from laughing! GG

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